Best Plants For A Dark Bathroom

Plants can provide a lot of personality to any room in the house, particularly an otherwise boring bathroom. Plants have a way of providing calm in this environment but what if your bathroom is dark? Have no further worries as we detail the best plants for a dark bathroom in this insightful article.

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Can You Have Plants In A Bathroom With No Light?

Plants need light and water to survive, right? Is it possible that you can have a plant in a room with no light, such as some of the bathrooms you may have visited at a friends’ house? The short answer is yes, you absolutely can! Not all plants are as easy to maintain in this setting but there are plenty that would survive just fine.

Image: @plant_nana_

What kind of wizardry did the homeowner employ to keep that plant looking as healthy as ever with no light, you wonder? Magic plant food? Saying a certain phrase over and over again to keep the plant healthy? Fortunately, there is no magic involved, just some creativity, and anyone can achieve this. Let’s dive in to review how!

Before we dive into specific plants it is important to understand two key strategies for keeping plants alive in a dark bathroom.

1. Use artificial lighting

The use of artificial light such as fluorescent tubes can provide a somewhat similar experience to natural sunlight for plants in a dark bathroom.

⇒Click here to check out a great selection of Plant Grow Lights!

2. Rotate your plants

Rotating your plants from the dark bathroom into other rooms in your house and back where there is natural light can help keep them alive.

Using artificial light is an easy strategy that would be more palatable to most versus having to constantly move plants between rooms. In order to achieve this “set and forget” approach successfully, choosing the right plant for your dark bathroom will make all the difference. Which plants are the best for dark bathrooms? We thought you would never ask!

Best Plants for Dark Bathroom

Plant 1: The Spider Plant

Spider plant for dark bathroom
Image: @photosofplantsnv

No, this is not the preferred plant of Spider-Man! The spider plant is one of the easiest to grow in your home and catches the eye of anyone who comes in contact with it. As a bonus, the spider plant purifies the air in the room!

Plant 2: The Boston Fern

Do you want to “pahk your cah” near your “Bahston” Fern? The name is a bit deceiving on this household beauty as there are many stories about its origin but the plant is more tropical in nature and is non-toxic. Best of all it is easy to care for!

Plant 3: The Peace Lily

Costa Farms Spathiphyllum Peace Lily Live Indoor Plant, 15-Inch, White-Natural Décor Planter, Great Gift for Valentine's Day

It is hard to think of anything but good vibes with a name like the Peace Lily! In addition to peaceful vibes, this plant is very easy on the eyes with a beautiful white flower that is quite easy to maintain.

Plant 4: Snake Plant

Snake plant for dark bathroom
Image: @plant_nana_

No, this is not a plant that will wrap itself around you and squeeze like an exotic snake you see on TV! There are at least 6 different types of snake plants and they can live through both dim lighting and infrequent watering, making them a good choice for a bathroom plant.

Plant 5: Golden Pothos

Golden pothos
Image: @plant_nana_

This beauty is native to French Polynesia and is also known as devil’s ivy. It is given this devilish name because it is extremely hard to kill and can flourish and stay green even in the dark! The Golden Pothos is easy to take care of and grows quite high; take special precaution though as this plant can be toxic for pets in the household.

Related Article: Pothos Plant Facts aka Epipremnum Aureum

Plant 6: Bird’s Nest Fern

You may think you can find this in a bird’s nest but it is actually native to southeast Asia! This plant is unique in that it can grow on other plants; the name “bird’s nest” is fitting when you compare this to a baby bird that is growing in the nest.

Plant 7: Heartleaf Philodendron

You will fall in love with this plant and that is fitting given “heart” is in its name! This plant is shaped like a heart, very easy to grow, comes in a variety of colors, and has a propensity to grow vertically.

Plant 8:  Monstera

Image: @plant_nana_

Frankenstein comes to mind anytime you hear the word “monster” but rest assured the Monstera plant is anything but a monster! This plant is unique in that it has holes in the leaves. It is easy to care for and actually prefers to not have very direct sunlight, making it fit for a great plant for a dark bathroom.

Related Article: Tips On Propagating Monstera Aerial Roots

Plant 9:  Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera plant
Image: @plant_nana_

Anyone who has been the victim of a beach sunburn surely knows about Aloe Vera! Aloe Vera is believed to have health benefits beyond treating sunburns and is a nice aesthetically pleasing addition to any bathroom. Why settle for store bought liquid aloe when you have the plant at home?

Plant 10:  Dracaena

Our last one of the best plants for dark bathrooms is the Dracaena. However, it is not related to the vampire Dracula! This plant is native to Africa and Australia and of all the plants in this list it does prefer light the most. Therefore, the best option for having this plant in your dark bathroom is to surround it with artificial light.

Benefits of Plants in a Dark Bathroom

Image: @plant_nana_

The benefits of plants in a bathroom are numerous, for example:

  • Air quality. Without question, plants are beneficial to the overall air quality of the home which is good for your health.
  • Aesthetically pleasing. Plants provide a nice backdrop to any room but particularly a room where there is a toilet present!
  • Complimentary to other decor. Your choice of a towel rack, soap dispenser, and floor mat can easily be complemented by a plant that blends in with these items nicely.

Our Final Thoughts on Best Plants for Dark Bathroom

While you may not be able to immediately observe the benefits to air quality, you can easily get a sense of how plants compliment the decor of a bathroom and help the overall home have a welcoming sense of comfort and style. So, if your bathroom has low lighting choose one of these best plants for a dark bathroom to immediately enjoy the benefits these welcome houseguests provide.