Brazilian Jasmine Rocktrumpet Care: A Quick Guide

The Brazilian Jasmine Rocktrumpet is one of my favorite perennial vines to grow at home. This evergreen plant that’s native to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is known for growing rapidly and rewarding gardeners with its vibrant blooms!

The flexible stems of the Brazilian jasmine can grow up to four to five meters in length if they are given enough space, which makes it perfect for my garden. I also grow it in indoor pots during winter to protect it from the cold.

Looking for the best Brazilian Jasmine Rocktrumpet care methods? Let me give you some tips!

Red Brazilian Jasmine Plant - Indoors/Out - Mandevilla - 4" Pot

Brazilian Jasmine Rocktrumpet Care


Brazilian Jasmine Rocktrumpet care involves providing it with rich, well-drained, and fertile soil. A soil that’s rich in organic matter works best with this plant. I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest Organic Potting Soil which consistently works well for my plants. 


This plant requires frequent watering in spring and summer. I occasionally cut back on watering if I feel I’m overdoing it since it can cause root rot. Once fall comes, you can reduce the frequency but you should still water it regularly since it requires moist (but well-drained) soil. You should also cut back on watering once it starts flowering.

Make sure you let the soil dry a bit in between watering. Though the plant is drought-resistant to a certain degree, it’s best to keep watering it regularly. 

Light and Humidity

The Brazilian Jasmine Rocktrumpet thrives when it receives a good amount of sunlight. If it gets too hot, however, giving it some shade from direct sunlight will be better.

When growing it at home, I place it right next to a window that receives an abundant amount of sunlight. The plant generally requires full sun and some light shade.

Brazilian Jasmine Rocktrumpet care involves ensuring that the plant is well taken care of in case of temperature drops since it isn’t a cold-hardy plant. Keep in mind that it can’t tolerate temperatures below 60° Fahrenheit. 

Since it doesn’t do well in the cold, you should keep it in a place with warmer temperatures at night, ideally between 65° to 70° degrees Fahrenheit.


This vine doesn’t need fertilizers as long as the soil is well-nourished and fertile. However, you can add a slow-release fertilizer once a month during the growing season in spring and summer. There is no need to add fertilizer during winter.

Hardiness Zone

The Brazilian Jasmine Rocktrumpet is a tropical plant suited for warm climates. It grows best in USDA hardiness zones 10 to 12. 

Pests and Diseases 

The Brazilian Jasmine Rocktrumpet attracts useful insects like bees and butterflies to your garden. However, it’s also susceptible to pests like aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs.

I just spray organic insecticide/pesticide to make sure my plants are safe from these pests so I don’t depend on chemical solutions.  

While you may occasionally see yellow leaves, they aren’t a big concern unless you see brand new leaves turning yellow very soon or too frequently. The cause for the discoloration can range from underwatering to pests. Yellow leaves may also be a result of nutrient deficiencies.  


I prune my Brazilian Jasmine Rocktrumpet in late winter when the plant isn’t flowering. It promotes better growth in the summer. You can also cut the tips at leaf nodes for richer and thicker foliage. 

Related Article: Best Hand Pruners


Though beautiful, its vine and blossoms have a sap that can irritate your skin if touched with your bare hands. Make sure you wear gloves when you’re maintaining the plant.

The plant is also quite toxic if ingested so make sure to keep the plant away from your kids and pets. This is especially important if you’re planning to grow it indoors in a pot. 

Red Brazilian Jasmine Plant - Indoors/Out - Mandevilla - 4" Pot


Brazilian Jasmine Rocktrumpet care may require some extra effort, but its beautiful flowers are well worth it. This plant can be grown in the garden as a creeper, or as a houseplant indoors. In both cases, it will require support. 

It’s also often used as an ornamental plant that’s placed in hanging baskets to enhance the look of your gardens. (This is my favorite way of displaying it!) The bright-colored flowers are also perfect for attracting useful insects as well as birds. 

I hope these tips help you grow your own Brazilian Jasmine Rocktrumpet more easily!