Incredible Benefits Of Spider Plants Inside The House

Spider plants are just about the easiest houseplant you can grow, but that doesn’t mean they’re boring. In fact, spider plants are a lot more interesting than you might realize! Aside from their colorful leaves in shades of green and white, these pet-friendly plants can clean the air and remove 95% of chemicals within 24 hours

Its impressive air purifying abilities include removing formaldehyde from paints, solvents, and cigarette smoke — not bad for a plant that’s practically indestructible! 

Learn more about the many benefits of spider plants offer and why you should have one in your home.

Photo Credit: Plant Nana/ Instagram

What Are Spider Plants?

Spider plants, also known as airplane plants, are houseplants that thrive indoors and outdoors during warm, summer weather. They’re an excellent choice for anyone who has trouble keeping indoor plants alive. 

These hardy plants are incredibly easy to care for and resistant to pests and diseases, so they’re perfect for newbie gardeners and those with limited spaces. 

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Distinguishable by their spider-like appearance, spider plants will typically grow bunches of long, green leaves that hang down from a central stem. The stems can be made to grow on ropes or trellises, making them ideal for hanging baskets and window boxes. 

Spider plants also have small white flowers that bloom in the summer and attract bees.

What Are the Benefits of Spider Plants?

Spider plants are low maintenance. They require little sunlight, so they’re perfect for those with a darker home or apartment. They also thrive on neglect and can survive in dry conditions, making them ideal for people who travel frequently or have busy schedules.

However, advantages of owning a spider plant go beyond being low maintenance. Here are some spider plant benefits you may not know about:

Natural Air Purifiers

Spider plants can remove up to 95% of toxins and pollutants with their leaves that act as filters. They remove toxins, pollutants, and formaldehyde from the air and release oxygen which helps prevent dry skin, headaches, and stress. This is a huge advantage since formaldehyde can be found in common household items like pressed wood products, cleaning products, and fabric dyes/stains.

If you have allergies or asthma, having a spider plant around can help alleviate your symptoms.

Natural Humidifiers

Another benefit about spider plants is they can serve as humidifiers. They can thus reduce the dryness in the air which often leads to dry sinuses and dry skin. 

This process is called evapotranspiration. A study published in 2016 found that spider plants can effectively improve the humidity in indoor spaces by up to 30%. 

They’re particularly useful in areas that are naturally dry or have low humidity levels due to the weather or heating systems.

Emergency Food and Medicine

Spider plants are edible. Although they may taste quite bitter to some, they are regularly eaten in some parts of Africa. Many locals believe that these plants have medicinal properties. 

In fact, research suggests that spider plants may be beneficial in treating arthritis. Furthermore, they may also contain anti-inflammatory properties. Spider plants are also a good source of potassium, magnesium, and calcium. 

So, if you’re ever in a pinch, try munching on a few spider plant leaves!

Therapeutic Decor

Kansas State University researchers found that surgical patients recover more quickly in rooms where spider plants were placed compared to rooms with no plants.

Patients who were in rooms with these plants required less pain medication, experienced fewer blood pressure and heart rate issues, felt less anxious and depressed, and were released from the hospital sooner.

PERFECT PLANTS Spider Plant Hanging Basket 8 Inch | Live Houseplant for Indoor Growing | Easy to Care for & Keep Alive | Beautiful Green & White Variegated Leaves

The Takeaway: Spider Plants Are Decorative, Useful, and Low Maintenance

These benefits of spider plants make them awesome all-around plants. They keep the air clean and help us breathe easier, keep the air moist, are safe to eat, and have been shown to help patients recover faster with fewer issues. 

In return, these durable leafy plants ask for very little. They require minimal sunlight and hardly any maintenance. You can even avoid watering them by growing them in water. They’re also easy to propagate since healthy spider plants will readily sprout baby spider plants along thin branches which can be easily pruned and transplanted.

For those who don’t have a lot of experience or time to tend to their plants, this evergreen perennial is the perfect houseplant that keeps on giving. If you’ve been thinking of growing a plant at home, I can’t think of a better candidate than the spider plant!