Jade Plant Light Requirements and Conditions

Most people are surprised to know that the jade plant is actually in the succulent family. Yep, cacti and such are in their family. They have a beautiful appearance of a miniature tree – so much so that guests often think my jade plant is fake!

Jade plants are pretty easy to care for as long as you get to know their proper care tips. One of the best ways to ensure a healthy plant life is to understand your jade plant light requirements.

Jade Plant / Crassula Ovata / Jade Succulent / Live Jade Plant Succulent (4 Pack)

Jade Plant Light Requirements and Conditions

A quick easy tip in learning how to care for a plant is by replicating their conditions in nature. The jade plant (crassula ovata) is native to South Africa and Mozambique which are desert regions with substantial sunlight.

How much light does a jade plant need indoors?

  • Jade plant light requirements include at least 4 – 6 hours of sunlight a day
  • Keep protected from direct, midday sun as this is too harsh (especially for younger jade plants)
  • Best spots include south-facing or west-facing windows

Can a jade plant live in low light?

Low light conditions do not meet jade plant light requirements. A jade plant’s growth would be hampered and they will become leggy as they attempt to reach as much sun as they can. This happens with ZZ plants as well.

Related Article: ZZ Plant Watering Schedule – Ultimate Guide

Jade Plant Care Tips


Since we now know that jade plants in nature grow in desert areas we want to replicate those soil conditions. This requires loose soil that will drain quickly and thoroughly. You can save yourself the trouble of experimenting to prepare the perfect mix by using a potting mix specifically made for cacti or succulents.


This plant requires infrequent watering, especially during fall and winter. When you do water your jade plant it should be deep watered by allowing the water to run from the bottom of the pot.

Soil should be allowed to dry out completely between waterings as too much water is the #1 cause of jade plant problems.   You may end up only watering your jade plant anywhere between every 1 – 4 weeks depending on your household environment.  

Humidity and Temperature

Normal household humidity and temperatures are generally okay. If you keep your jade plant near a window during winter months you may want to relocate it until spring as they tend to drop leaves if exposed to cold, drafty areas.

Jade plants do best with humidity from 30% to 50% and temperature ranges between 55℉ to 75℉. I use a digital indoor hygrometer and thermometer to keep a regular check on conditions.


Since jade plants in nature do not grow in rich soil they typically will not require frequent fertilization. However, during the spring/summer growing period you can add a diluted (half-strength) fertilizer made for succulents and cacti. You want to avoid any fertilizers with high nitrogen as this can burn the roots of the jade plant. 

Miracle-Gro Cactus, Palm & Citrus Potting Mix and Succulent Plant Food - Bundle of Potting Soil (8 qt.) and Liquid Plant Food (8 oz.) for Growing and Fertilizing Indoor Succulents


The Jade Plant can be susceptible to pests like spider mites, and mealybugs. To get rid of these unwelcome visitors use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to wipe of each insect. You may need to do these for a few days to ensure all the pests are gone for good.


I prune my Jade Plant during early spring. But what you will come to find out is that jade plants once established form a beautiful mini-tree shape all on their own. 

Most people that choose to prune their jade plants do so to encourage more fullness. To do this use clean, sharp pruning shears and cut back to a node. Two new branches will later grow from this newly pruned area which will give your plant a fuller look.

Related Article: Best Hand Pruners


If you have particularly sensitive skin, the sap of a jade plant can irritate your skin and cause dermatitis. You can combat this by wearing gloves when you’re maintaining the plant.

The plant is also toxic to dogs and cats if ingested so make sure to keep the plant away from your pets. This is especially important if you’re planning to grow it indoors in a pot. 


This plant is best grown as a houseplant indoors so you can have more control over the temperature requirements.

Once you understand Jade Plant light requirements along with these provided jade plant care tips you can have a healthy plant to enjoy for years (or even decades).