Tips On Propagating Monstera Aerial Roots

I knew I had finally arrived as a real plant enthusiast when I purchased my first Monstera Deliciosa plant. Once my plant became big, strong and yes unwieldy I wanted to finally propagate my Monstera. I wondered if propagating monstera aerial roots would work.

Why Do Monstera Have Aerial Roots

Sometimes we need constant reminders that our houseplants are really just plants from nature that we are growing indoors. The monstera deliciosa is actually an evergreen vine. 

The aerial roots are actually used by the plants as hooks to help the plant climb. Do you also wonder how the massive monstera plant stays upright? Well, the aerial roots also help to ground the plant by growing into the soil.

Aerial roots vs soil roots

We’ve already discussed a little bit about aerial roots and their purpose but how do they compare to the soil roots of a monstera?

Soil roots (or lateral-subterranean roots) of the monstera are the plant roots that almost everyone are used to seeing. They are beneath the soil and helps the plant absorb water and nutrients.

Again, aerial roots main job is to provide support for the plant by acting as an anchor. Aerial roots can also assist in absorbing moisture from the air but it would not be enough to maintain a monstera on its own.

Can You Propagate Monstera From Aerial Roots

If you have a monstera stem cutting with a node and aerial roots then you’re in luck! You can successfully pursue propagating monstera aerial roots with this cutting.

New plants branches sprout from the node, therefore, it’s imperative that any cutting contains a node and preferably a leaf or two.

Can You Put Monstera Aerial Roots In Water

If monstera aerial roots are submerged in water for an extended period of time they can possibly rot. They can also take the job away from the soil roots (sub-terranean roots) by having the Monstera utilize the aerial roots as their primary source of water.

In turn, the soil roots experience stunted growth and are not able to expand into the soil for adequate moisture absorption. 

Monstera Aerial Roots In Water Hack

Many seek quick fixes and short cuts to maintaining healthy monstera plants. One such method is placing aerial roots into a jar of water separate from the plant.

The reasoning is that the aerial roots in water will speed up the process of growing new stems and leaves. However, the best way to maintain your monstera is to water it regularly without relying on an aerial root water hack.

Can I Cut Off Monstera Aerial Roots After Propagation

Since your Monstera Deliciosa plant is a houseplant and not growing in a jungle it doesn’t necessarily need aerial roots. You can cut the monstera aerial roots off without fear of causing harm to your plant.