Hostas are very popular plants as both a landscape plant and a house plant! With the rising popularity of this plant, it is easy for people to get confused about if the Plantain Lily is just a Hosta in a different cloak!
Like you, I used to ask, are hostas and plantain lily the same? Truthfully, Plantain Lilies are related to Hostas, but they do have a few key differences that single them out from other Hosta varieties!
The differences are so stark that Plantain Lily really confuses people! Let’s take a closer look at the Plantain Lily vs Hosta.

Are Hostas and Plantain Lilies the Same?
Plantain Lilies are an interesting variety, to say the least. Another name for it is First Mate Hosta. They are in fact Hostas, even though their appearance had me fooled at first.
This variegated variety of Hosta is very similar in requirements with only one key difference; it likes sunnier areas. Most Hostas do not tolerate the sun well, but this variety would be the perfect addition to any sunny window!
Are Plantain Lilies Toxic to Cats and Dogs?
While this plant may look mighty tasty to your furry plants, it is best to keep them far away as these plants can cause severe reactions to your pets!
Pets are naturally curious and will often try to eat your plant. They do not know that some plants like the plantain lily, can kill them. This plant causes far more than just an upset tummy; it also affects blood cells!
These plants contain a compound called saponins which are highly toxic to cats and hurt their stomach lining. If you believe your pet may have consumed some of this plant, it is best to contact poison control right away!
Ensure that your pets are put away when you are not home, supervised when you are, and given plenty of activities to prevent boredom. Cats are more likely to be poisoned as they can jump higher.
Related Article: Air Purifying Plants Safe For Dogs
Plantain Lily Care – How do you take care of a plantain lily plant
Plantain Lily Care can be simple. The care is just like you would a Hosta, which is known to be easy! These plants tolerate drought well and can be a wonderful addition to your house or yard! Here are a few easy tips to get you started:
Sun requirements
Plantain Lily is unique in the fact that it loves the full sun! Most Hostas need shade because the heat can damage their leaves. Too much sun can cause their leaves to burn and eventually kill your plant.
The sun will also fade colors which can make your plant look bad. When exposed to the sun; however, the plantain Lily turns a beautiful golden yellow. This makes it a beautiful and unique centerpiece for every home and garden!
Soil requirements
Hostas are pretty easygoing. They like slightly acidic and loamy soil. Your soil needs to be well-draining and rich with organic matter.
Plantain lilies may need different sun requirements, but they share typical Hosta soil requirements! The best pH balance in your Hosta soil is somewhere between 5.5 and 7.5.
This can be achieved with the proper soil amendments like manure! My go-to is a composted cow manure by Black Kow. It doesn’t have the best smell but this stuff works!
Water requirements
Watering your Hostas and Plantain lilies is a breeze! These plants are very forgiving and can thrive when slightly neglected. Now, this doesn’t mean you do not care about it. But, it won’t hurt the plant to go without water from time to time!
These plants need a lot of water at once. This is due to their large leaves needing ample water to properly grow. I love bottom watering to make sure my plant gets everything it needs! I just stick my container inside a bucket of water and keep refilling until my plant stops absorbing!
Too much watering can cause your plant to get root rot, which is really not good! Watering every two to three days is pretty ideal!
Soil that is hydrophobic is another issue. By letting your plant excessively dry out, you can cause your soil to repel water. To correct this problem, I typically add more soil and mix it in. This helps stop your soil from repelling water if you water slowly!
Our Final Thoughts on Plantain Lily vs Hostas
The truth is, plantain lilies are just Hostas in disguise. The only difference is that they need more sunlight. These plants are great additions to any house or yard and are easy to care for! With the right soil, water, and care, these plants will thrive!