ZZ Plants are often known as Zamioculcas. These plants flower, add beauty to homes and are relatively easy to maintain.
Many plant lovers make the mistake of overwatering or underwatering their plants. ZZ plants have a straightforward watering schedule that if you follow, you will have no problem having the most gorgeous plant around!
With this guide for your ZZ Plant Watering Schedule, you will be a plant guru in no time for your ZZ plant!

How do you know when your ZZ plant needs water?
ZZ plants may be native to tropical Africa, which is where many of us get hung up on the idea of overwatering them, but these plants like to have their soil dry out between waterings. You will know when the plant needs to be watered when the top of the soil is dry by two inches.
Do ZZ plants like bottom watering?
I am a huge fan of bottom watering for all plants, ZZ plants included. Bottom watering plants is a wonderful way to avoid many problems with watering that may inhibit absorption like:
- Root bound
- Preventing fungus gnats
- Allows the plant to take in enough water
- Help deter overwatering
Root-bound plants struggle to absorb water, so this is perfect! Along with that, by letting the plant sit for ten minutes, you are making sure the plant is not overwatered.
That being said, you can sit the plant inside the water for too long.
If you have ever gotten fungus gnats, you know just how horrible they are. By letting the soil on top stay drier, gnats are less likely to breed inside your soil!
The only thing that made my environment tolerable until the gnats went away was my UV light bug trapper which was an absolute game changer! Sticky traps also work well to trap those pesky fungus gnats.
Can you overwater a ZZ plant?
Definitely! Any plant can be overwatered. ZZ plants should be allowed to dry out between waterings to help prevent overwatering, stimulate growth of roots, and prevent gnats.
Signs of overwatering include:
- Yellow leaves
- Mushy brown stalks
- Root rot
You need to allow your overwatered ZZ plant to dry out completely and possibly even change its soil completely to help eliminate further issues.
ZZ Plant Watering Schedule
Avoid overwatering by watering every 2 to 3 weeks or when the soil is dry up to 2 inches down! Many factors go into how often, including your climate and where you have your plant at!
Do ZZ plants like to be misted?
While these are tropical plants, the humidity in your home is fine. Misting can be a good way to remove dust from leaves, but it is not needed.
Related Article: Best Time To Mist Plants
How can I encourage my ZZ plant to grow?
Encouraging plants to grow is a common question more experienced plant people get all the time!
These plants love indirect light, up to 6 hours a day is ideal to help this plant grow. I also use a good liquid fertilizer like Schultz All Purpose Plant Food about every two weeks to help maintain nutrients in the soil.
Potted plants lose nutrients quicker than ones that are in the ground, and the smaller the pot, the more you may need to fertilize.
It is also important to realize that these plants grow slower, but when they do begin to outgrow their pots, move them up a size with loose potting soil. If your ZZ plant looks a little too leggy or like it’s much taller than it is bushy, it may be receiving too little sunlight.
How do you make ZZ plants produce new shoots?
To do this, I like to think of my plants like I would a person. You would not thrive in poor conditions that aren’t the most ideal, so why should your plant? Giving your plant its proper care will ensure that it looks its best!
Try moving your plant up a size in pots to see if it needs just a little more room.
Another amazing thing about ZZ plants is their blooms! These plants flower from mid-summer to autumn. The blooms are gorgeous, lily-like blooms. To help make sure your plant blooms, make sure you fertilize properly. A plant without proper nutrients will not bloom!
Where should I place my ZZ plant at home?
I like to place mine near a window. They may like indirect light, but this does not mean they need no light. Many people see these lower light plants and think they need to keep them in low light. This plant needs at least 6 hours of sunlight.
Without proper sunlight, ZZ plants will become leggy as they will reach toward any and all light.

How do you make ZZ plant leaves shiny?
Many people become frustrated when the once shiny leaves on their ZZ plant become a little dull. Often, we think this is because of our husbandry, which is partially true.
Like a shelf or pet, your plants should be dusted and cleaned. Take a wet washcloth and gently wipe off the leaves of your ZZ plant to help bring the shine back!
Brown tips on your leaves can be due to overwatering as well!
Proper care and an effective ZZ Plant Watering Schedule of every 2 to 3 weeks or when the soil is dry up to 2 inches down will help create an amazing centerpiece for your home!